So I normally NEVER do these silly questionaire things, but tonight I felt kinda bored and still not having much to write here you go!
1. Where did you take your profile picture? outside of our apartment, isn't she SO cute!
2. What exactly are you wearing right now? My p.j's
3. What is your current problem? stomach acid due to being 7 1/2 months pregnant!
4. What makes you happy most? Quality family time!
5. What are you listening to at the moment? The Duggers "17 and Counting" tv show
6. Any celeb you would marry? NO I am sooo happy with my Prince Charming that I married!
7. Name someone with the same birthday as you? Stephen Heroin, a guy in my high school
8. Ever sang in front of a large audience? Yes i was once in the church choir! I was sooo scared!
9. Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity? Nope, never
10. Do you still watch kiddy movies or kiddie TV shows? YES! Aladdin!
11. Do you speak any language?English and spanish
12. Has anyone you've been really close with passed away? yes, more recently my grandfather
13. Whats your favorite band? Matt Maher or David Crowder Band
14. What's something that really annoys you? People who don't return phone calls, people who show up to my home unannounced, people who cough and then try to pick up my daughter... oh there is a looong list of things I'm sure
Chapter 1:===============
1. Middle name: Delarosa
2. Nicknames: Kymbo, Kiki, Kyme, Pepper Ann (WAAAY Back in the day :( )
3. Current location: on the greatest couch ever! The Cuddler
4. Eye color: Blue/Green
Chapter 2:===============
1. Do you live with your parent(s)? Nope
2. Do you get along with your parent(s)? My in-laws, YES! I love them dearly!
3. Do you have any Siblings? Biologically: 2 younger brothers, a younger sister; in-laws: 3 younger brothers, and 3 younger sisters
Chapter 3: ===============
1. Ice Cream: Phish Food (Ben and Jerry's!)
2. Season: Fall
3.Shampoo/conditioner? Fruitisse (sp?)
Chapter 4: Do You..===============
1. Dance in the shower? awkward question...
2. Do you write on your hand? my hand is sometimes like a piece of paper for me!
3. Call people back? Yes
4. Believe in love: Oh yes, how else would I be married?!?
5. Any bad habits: yes...
Chapter 5: Have You..==============
1. Sprained stuff: yes
3. Had physical therapy: no
4. Gotten stitches: yes
5. Taken painkillers: yes
6. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling: yup both
7. Been stung by a bee: YES :(
8. Thrown up at the dentist: No, can't say I have
9. Sworn in front of your parents: Sad to admit, but yes
10. Had a detention: only once, in 6th grade, from Mr. Anderson my math teacher, who caught me reading a note from a friend in class. I cried during lunch detention that day...
Chapter 6: what/who was the last?===============
1. Movie you watched? Igor
2. Person to text? Melissa
3. Person you called: Preston, to help him find his phone
4. Person you hugged: Preston
5. Person you tackled: umm haven't done that in a while...
6. Person you talked to on Skype: I've never used Skype!
7. Thing you touched: my phone? or this keyboard?
8. Thing you ate? E.L. Fudge cookies
9. Thing you drank: Juicy Juice
10. Thing you said: What time are we going to bed?
Chapter 7: Future===============
Where do you hope to live? in Minnesota
Do you want to be famous? not really
Do you want children? Yes, as many as God wants to bless us with
Do you want plastic surgery? No
More Questions..
If you could change your eye color what would it be? I love my eye color...
What flavor do you add to your drink at Sonic? I've never been to Sonic
Do you own a digital camera? Oh yes I do
Have you ever had a pet fish? Yes! Currently I have five fishys!
Favorite Christmas song? Santa Claus is coming to town
What's on your wish list for your birthday? More family time
Can you do push ups? Not at all!
Does the future make you more nervous or excited? BOTH!
Ever been in a car wreck? Yes.... once
Do you have an accent? Not any more... sorry southern friends...
Have you ever felt like you hit rock bottom? Yup
Name 3 things you bought yesterday. Nothing yesterday...
Have you ever been given roses? Yes, the last time was from my spouse :)
Current worry? Delivering Teigan Col
Current hate right now? Strongly dislike my hubby's video game
Met someone who changed your life? Yes... and I married him
What were you doing 12 AM last night? I fell asleep on the Cuddler chair
What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up? Yikes! So much time has been wasted!