Friday, October 11, 2013


So how's the fall going for you?
   Here for us... well, life doesn't stop, now does it? We have a 6 month-old, a 1.5 year-old, and a 3, 4,  and 5 year-old. We have started the journey of homeschooling and we LOVE every minute of it! My daughter loves being able to grow in her understanding at her pace, which I discovered quickly is much faster than anything the kindergarten programs out there! T-man and Monkey love doing homeschool preschool, and my littles, well they enjoy playing with a box full of toys for class time. Balancing life has been quite the adventure as we work hard to maintain sanity of home life, work lives, volunteering and helping our parish, plus two awesome Catholic homeschool co-ops in the area. Life never settles by the waysides in our house. But what can I say, we will enjoy the memories of summer and think about them especially as it gets cooler and colder here in MN!

Our Fifth

Our Lady Bug
              So this is the tale about our fifth and perfect little girl. On April 16th at 7 a.m. my hubby and I packed the car and drove to our local Catholic hospital for our inevitable inducement, five kids, five inducements, and I wasn't worried a second.
           Now this pregnancy had been a tough one; one with lots of sickness throughout the pregnancy and a TON of sickness the last month where I was not able to gain weight but our little lady bug was growing strong. On the day of her birth, we went in and after four labors and deliveries, they had finally  finished the AMAZING birthing wing! In fact, when we were admitted, they took us to the farthest room down the hall (all the better to walk with contractions with my dear)... and the doors opened and our eyes gazed on the most beautiful single suite ever!! It was the model room for the entire wing! Our eyes were viewing the Mississippi River, we even say eagles flying in the distance. They hooked me up and there they were, tiny contractions; just like my body to kick in after it knows it's about to be stuck by a needle (I LOATHE needles).
            After being hooked up to the monitor, some great labor-inducing meds, I asked if I could push the labor on with some squats, pregnancy yoga ball, and some walking with squats for the first couple of hours. Super Hubby and I were loving it! Happy with our wonderful room, ready to hold our little girl, nurses, and families in the hall could not believe I was having contractions... which is always a good sign that it was still early labor. I was able to talk to my nurses about how they should not bring any epidurals or medications in my room, unless they would like to have it pushed into their spines; thankfully I had some incredible nurses who liked my version of humor.
             Hubby took a nap for a few hours as I rolled around with the ball, and practiced tribal squats I had googled for pregnancies throughout the world. It was going great, my doctor came in at noon, broke the water, and she went to hang out in the doctors lounge. You see, my labors start by inducement and by the time I hit 4.5 cms well it only takes a few hours if that to push out a little blessing.
              Doc did not want to miss this one; she and I joked about how if she left the building that was the time that I'd have an all natural birth. Funny enough had she left, it could have been possible. When the water was broke, Super Hubby and I were tweeting and facebooking all our joys of how I told the world that we would be holding our baby by 3 p.m. that afternoon. That was my guess anyway. At 1:30, they checked me and I was at about 4 cm, with growing strength of contractions. I decided that it was time for more squats since the poor baby was not coming down fast enjoy still at -2, so she was pretty high up there. So I grabbed the edge of the bathroom sink sill squatted low and allowed gravity to help and then heard a slight pop, BOOM, her head moved into its proper position! Go time!!
                      A few rollings on the ball, I was quite literally singing a song about how I love Pitocin (my nurses joked how I should make a labor video since I was quite happy and content without any pain meds)... then I said how it'd be nice to go in the AMAZING jets bath... sadly I never got there, because as I squatted to the bathroom, I thought a potty break would be good. Two contractions in, I very calmly asked Super Hubby to get the nurse and doctor, I needed to be checked immediately. No one went to quickly since I was still in a great mood, I didn't hit "the wall" the one where everyone knows you're in active labor... well I then said, yes it was time so unless they wanted me to catch my baby they better hurry up. Doc came in the room, boom checked me and YES we were at 9.5 c.m. One contraction and BAM 10!!! Go time! My little lady bug was out in 1.5 push, contractions were 7 minutes apart which meant I pushed fast and she came! It was the coolest birth I've had yet!! Knowing what your body can do and allowing God to calm my heart was so amazing to be able to just enjoy this labor and delivery. And hey she was born at 3:36 pm at 7 pounds 8 ounces and a beautiful 19 inches long. Blue eyes, full brown hair... adorable simply adorable!  

                                      Lady Bug, Bear and me
                                    Lady Bug 2 hours after birth!

Monday, April 1, 2013


Well, the past few months have definitely slipped passed me. Let's see, highlight reel....

- after extensive testing, T-man and Monkey are cleared from the autism spectrum. Both boys really enjoyed the four weeks of testing at the 'big kid school'. T-man is above average on memory and cognitive skills testing. Meanwhile, Monkey will be getting some specialized one-on-one time for his speech for pronunciation.

- Bumblebee has been taking weekly swim lessons, which she loves and seems to think she is an Olympic athlete with her kicking! It's too cute! But classes are wrapping up in a few weeks, so she is getting sad knowing it won't be a weekly swim date, which is alright since.....

- Soccer starts soon! Both Bumblebee and T-man will be on a team together, which is extra nice for traveling purposes! Plus, they have been excited to play since the snow started melting last week!

- Our "baby" turned one on Saturday... Where did the time go? He still acts like a baby regardless, which is fine by me at times, except for when I need my arms since he likes his perch on my hip compared to being stuck on the floor...

-Lastly, our newest blessing is due to come out any time now! We are quite excited to welcome a sister for Bumble! As she has pointed out, we need more pink in this house of little men.