Thursday, September 24, 2009

Day's worth of events!

So today could be split up between accomplishments of myself, my son, and my daugher... so why not split it up like that today....

Teigan: Alright, so my 1 month-old son last night had his first official 15 minute incriment time of "tummy time". Within the first 30 seconds, he attempted to prop his head up and in less than one minute he had got himself to have a full 15 seconds of strong head/chin up time! He was so proud, his little eyes were glowing and bright with excitement! Today he has slept soundly for a solid 4 hours (7 a.m to 11 a.m.) which allowed Mommy to spend time with Bella, as well as accomplish my own goals.

Bella: Meanwhile, my little princess, Bella today has walked literally all over my home! First, to my amazement she walked a solid 5 feet, not steps but measured feet, of length from one couch to the other to get her bottle! After accomplishing this, of course Mommy cheered and clapped, so Bella had to clap with joy at her own feat! Just a few moments ago, she walked a solid 7 feet from one couch to the entertainment center to point at Curious George on PBS. She has become a very curious little one... so today's mini-lesson was on "Cause and Effect"... so today we learned how to turn on and off the hallway lights! Bella LOVED this! She would squel with excitement as her little fingers pushed the switch down and then up. It was adorable! After this we continued with the computer mouse and how it could move on the screen as she moved the little mouse with her hand. Another discovery we had today was the world of Hannah Montana! Now granted it's tween pop, but my daughter LOVES the Hannah Montana movie... she dances and claps along to the beats and she loves the Hoe Down song.

Me: As I continue to try to figure out a hobbie, I realized that I would need the space to do such a thing...and since my husband continues to take over the desk in the living room I thought why not move the temptation of the desk into the bonus room we have next to the living room. In doing this, I now have a Mommy Office room. Granted I only allow myself 6 hours a week to complete work task from home, this room will most likely be used as my craft area as I prepare to create fun Christmas gifts. After moving the desk, Preston noted at lunch how it really opened up our living room. I love the change and I think Bella loves the fact that I'll be stationed near her toys as she plays and I work on our finances on the computer. The Best of both worlds!
Currently, I am still fiddling around with our computers trying to set up the internet to my computer...but I'm alright with the lack of it since Preston's computer is fast. My other project is to search high and low for inexpensive ways of decorating my home for fall... I love fall colors and although Preston doesn't love the colors orange and brown... I'm sure I'll be able to find a balance and do something festive!
Alright that's all for now, see ya tomorrow!
God Bless, Kym

Tummy Time!

My boys

Me and the Princess

My 3 musketeers
God bless, Kym

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